
Diploma for 103 new graduates of USI Faculty of Economics

Institutional Communication Service

Below is a list of the new graduates of the Faculty of Economics, along with their nationality and the degree.



Bachelor in Economics

  1. Bardocci Andrea, Switzerland
  2. Blanc Emiliano, Switzerland
  3. Colombo Luigi, Italy
  4. Dos Santos Tiago, Switzerland
  5. Gambaretti Giacomo, Italy
  6. Milosevic Katarina, Switzerland
  7. Morandini Giulio, Switzerland
  8. Paramidani Alessandro, Italy
  9. Perucchi Alessandro, Switzerland
  10. Phan Susanna, Switzerland
  11. Tami Nicholas, Switzerland



Master in Economia e politiche internazionali

  1. Abou Nader Olivier, Switzerland
  2. Amante Michele, Italy
  3. Anicito  Federico, Italy
  4. Anokye Bediako Jordana, Italy
  5. Besana Martina, Italy
  6. Biondi Cárdenas Oriana Carmen, Switzerland
  7. Bogdan Iulian, Italy
  8. Carrera  Valerio Attilio, Italy
  9. Checchinato Veronica, Italy
  10. Colombo Matteo,Italy
  11. Costante Gianmarco, Italy
  12. De Luca Angelica, Italy
  13. Ghirlanda Nicole, Switzerland
  14. Giacalone  Selene, Italy
  15. Giannetta Petra, Italy
  16. Guastellini Mariabenedetta, Switzerland
  17. Londero Clelia Maria, Italy
  18. Marchesini Leonardo, Italy
  19. Mersini  Celeste,Italy
  20. Moretti  Maria Chiara, Italy
  21. Nobili Clara,Italy
  22. Panjkov Slavko, Italy
  23. Pellegrino Luca, Italy
  24. Pfeifer Claudia, Italy
  25. Ragazzi Marco Giuseppe, Italy
  26. Ravennati Giacomo, Italy
  27. Rosso Ottavio, Italy
  28. Sotirovski Viktor, Italy
  29. Tagliabue Davide, Italy
  30. Vitale Vincenzo, Italy
  31. Wilkinson Noemi, Italy
  32. Xausa Luca, Switzerland
  33. Zulli Diletta, Italy


Master in Finance

  1. Abran Rafaq, Canada
  2. Anthamatten Rafael Diego, Switzerland
  3. Bandzak Denis, Czech Republic
  4. Bianchi Federico, Italy
  5. Camorani Andrea Maria, Italy
  6. Corti Matteo, Italy
  7. Demir Diana, Italy
  8. Djokaj Armando, Croatia
  9. Fortunato Loris, Italy
  10. Gobeli Jan, Switzerland
  11. Gueli Daniele, Italy
  12. Iannolo Nino, Italy
  13. La Marca Alfredo Maria, Italy
  14. Lin Francesco, Italy
  15. Masaleviciute Laima, Lithuania
  16. Metaj Rame, Germany
  17. Pallickel Santhosh, Switzerland
  18. Passalia Marco, Italy
  19. Passano Andreas, Germany
  20. Pavan Jacopo, Italy
  21. Schlunke Frederic, Switzerland
  22. Ukshini Adrian, Italy
  23. Visconti Federico, Italy
  24. Xhelo Samanta, Albania


Master in Financial Communication

  1. Jaber Ali Abdallah, United States
  2. La Rocca Nicola Vito Gioacchino, Italy


Master in Economics

  1. Feller Marta, Switzerland
  2. Zoino Elena, Italy


Master in Public Management and Policy

  1. Fröhlich Alessandro, Switzerland
  2. Mafezzini Sara, Italy
  3. Naganathan Shaumika,  Switzerland
  4. Perucchi Elia, Switzerland


Master in International Tourism

  1. Ackermann Marco Silvan, Switzerland
  2. Mattai Del Moro Edoardo, Italy
  3. Ramachandra Preetham Yadav, India
  4. Spadafora Costanza, Italy


Master in Management

  1. Besozzi Margherita, Italy
  2. Ciscato Geremia Ernesto Teobaldo, Switzerland
  3. De Petris Nicole, Italy
  4. Debernardis Niccolò, Switzerland
  5. Denti Martina, Italy
  6. Dragonetti Chiara, Switzerland
  7. Folino Giuseppina, Switzerland
  8. Hu Alberto, Italy
  9. Hu Andrea, Italy
  10. Irwin Alice, Ireland
  11. Noseda Emanuele, Italy
  12. Peverelli Guido, Italy
  13. Pollini Teo, Italy



PhD in Economics

  1. Campli  Paolo, Italy     
  2. Fontana-Casellini Laura, Switzerland
  3. Gramont Manzo Martin A., France        
  4. Lerch Benjamin Michel, Switzerland
  5. Mannamplackal Santhosh, Switzerland       


PhD in Finance

  1. Fiala Tomas, Czech Republic
  2. Ma Hao , China
  3. Mano Nicola, Italy                    
  4. Oreški Tina, Croatia     


PhD in Management 

  1. Orujov Amir, Azerbaijan